Wednesday, December 3, 2008

missing a stranger

how could i miss someone this much?
someone i barely know.
it seems impossible.
someone i may never see again.

i'm ready to go home.
as wrong as it is...
i just wish i were with "you."

i don't know anymore.
the heartbreak.
the impatient waiting.
the persistence to do what's right.

as much as i love to love.
sometimes it really is exhausting.
loving & not knowing what the outcome will be.

loving & losing.


it happens more times than not.

*i won't forget.
that night we spent.
walking down.
the dark lit.
streets of this town.
the gleam in your eyes.
your uninhibited smile.
& how i felt when you took my hand.
for the first time.

i'll just


my september 1st post stills rings true for you. that one is still yours.

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