Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Here I am once again.
So much to say.
I wish that I had a pen & paper in my hand at all times to write things down so I don’t forget them.

This weekend was spent in Virginia…remembering a man that paved the way for eternity. That touched the life of every single person he met. I hope to leave a legacy behind like that. I couldn’t help but sit there & ask God for a double portion of this man’s life…just like Elisha's double portion. The mantle that he transferred to his children and grandchildren was…well, there are no words. Anyways…a refreshing journey to say the least. One of his son’s said this about his father:

“He set the standards high. And he made it easy.”

So true. I love that. That was so papa.

I love the man for his life. I’m absolutely head over heels in love with his family. I had the honor of speaking with the majority of them while I was there & I’ve never met anyone like them. The desire in my heart to have a massively large family becomes even more real for me when I’m around them.

The story of mama & papa’s “engagement” or what have you may have struck right through to my heart. And once again I was reassured that God is again in control of every aspect of my life. It was as though God was telling me… “you see. It is possible…if you just trust me.”

Anyways…God has been speaking directly to me lately. The 1st time that’s ever been the case in my entire life. The prophetic is something that I am still a “newbie” at. But this is at least the 2nd time I have had a discerning spirit about someone within the past few weeks. Extremely unlike me…& extremely LIKE God. I won’t go into the whole story, but let’s just say I am extremely excited that God is beginning to raise me up in this capacity for His Kingdom. Now just praying for the boldness to speak His words & that I would get out of the way so that He would be the One that is glorified.

On another occasion over the weekend, I was encouraged by another & am pretty sure I was an encouragement to him. I feel a deep connection to people who live their life like me. The crazy thing is that I can almost if not always spot them immediately. You know what I’m talking about? It’s those people that live their lives with passion. That dream largely & dare to think outside of the box. I have found my heart easily entangled in them. In their lives. I rarely meet people who I feel as though they live they’re lives with the complete openness that I do. I can think of several in particular that I feel as though I could take by the hand right now & never let go of. It is these people that encourage me unknowingly to press on. To dream big. To envision something greater. Giving me hope that it’s not just me. that I’m not alone. Sometimes I wonder how ridiculous I am for believing that I can “save” the entire world. Then other times…I think… “who am I not to change the world.” I may be just a simple girl. But I’m a simple girl who loves Jesus & loves people. The people that no one else loves.

So. That’s me. Revolutionary. Visionary. Dreamer.

Thank you Jesus for those people that you have subtly put in my life to keep me moving forward.

They’ll never see this but:

My love to papa (the trailblazer). To the knopps (the dreamers).

And to Jesus…the Lover of my soul. The Beat of my heart. The Breath in my lungs. And the Glimmer of Hope in my eyes.

.yours truly.

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