Saturday, December 13, 2008

i met this boy


his life is one that i have been thinking of since i spoke with him a few weeks ago. a philosophical unihibited boy. with freedom beyond what i have seen in one person in a while. i so respect that. i love meeting people who think like me. it doesn't happen often, so it's encouraging. i aspire to live my life with that kind of freedom & openness. to love. to breathe. to live.

anyways...we spoke for just a few minutes. it had been about 10+ years since i have spoken with him last. conversation struck up as i grabbed his arm & complemented him on his hair actually. i know...big surprise right? haha. i'm sorry...coming from me...something like that is not so unusual. i told you i try to live my life with freedom. i never want to miss an opportunity to meet someone, to see someone's heart. i'm a firm believer in saying the things you want to say. as to living life with no regret. but going back to our conversation, we spoke a while on some non important life issues. like whether my hair would possibly manage to mimic the amazingness that his hair did.

he was this incredibly gorgeous tall blue eyed boy. which you could barely tell behind the ruggedness that his appearance showed. a young boy. no more than a few years older than me. an amazing face hidden behind a thick beard & an entire head full of these breathtakingly free twists going every which direction. getting up close to his face & speaking with him, then i could see well who he was. the time passed quickly & our conversation ended. we smiled & parted ways. as this is often how my relationships end.

oddly enough not more than a few minutes later, i began a conversation with his mother. i told her that i had encouraged his audacious "look." to which she made it clear that she was disapproving of his appearance. maybe not that she was entirely disapproving of him, but just that it wasn't her preference. she told me a few stories assuring me that he was a deep thinker. of how philosophical he was. and that he simply made his appearance the way that it was so that he could see the condition of people's heart.

suddenly it was like a thunder boom from heaven. holy cow....that sounds like something i'd do. ok ok ok. i know what you're thinking.

maybe the attitude behind it all isn't right.
but the truth is, i was just happy to be speaking with someone who was a stubborn & bull headed as me. someone who needs to see something real. people who are real. people who love uninhibitedly.

well, if there's any consulation, i think the boy's brilliant.

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