Saturday, December 27, 2008


my computer charger bit the dust a few weeks ago so i don't have a computer right now. i've been writing but not on here. we'll have some catching up when i get my charger.

oh...i got a guitar for christmas. acoustic. beautiful. yamaha.

i am so excited. i'm playing every day now. taking it to school with me definitely. hopefully it will suffice for my longings to play piano at school seeing as my keyboard is too large to take there. anyways...i'm teaching myself.

it really is the most gorgeous guitar i've ever seen. i'm not just saying that because it's mine. ok...maybe i am.

look for some stuff from me soon. i'm writing a songs. and recording a little.

cheaply, but that's where it all begins.

photography is about to take off like a boom for me i believe.

things are coming. slowly, but surely.


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