Thursday, May 1, 2008


whatever that drink is. i want one.

i'm exhausted. last day of finals is tomorrow & then i'm off to home. dearest home.
oh boy. why do things never turn out like i plan? i can plan what i'm going to do & exactly what i'm going to say.

then i never do what i thought i was going to do. i never say what i really want to say. my heart seems to work so much harder than what i can actually get out of my mouth. then i get mad at myself that things didn't work out like i planned even though technically it's out of my hands. haha. oh what a day! :) i give up.

i guess whatever happens...happens.

i hope this summer turns out well & that i learn to find complete contentment in whatever situation i'm in. that will be a hard one, but i'm gonna see what i can do. i don't have a computer at home so if i ever blog on here, count it as an absolute blessing. i'll try my best, but i can't make any promises.

much love.

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