Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I know I said I doubt I’d ever blog during the summer, but it looks like I was wrong as usual. :) I’ve been at it like every day, but that’s just because classes haven’t started yet. And I will no longer be able to say that tomorrow. Wah! But I graduate in 1 year. Yes. I said 1 year. I know…I’m in denial too. Yesterday I babysat my babies…which I found out are no longer babies. One is 5 & the other almost 7. The oldest I have been babysitting since 6 months & the younger since birth. I suddenly feel a sense of the words responsibility & adulthood. It’s weird how I feel like a mother to them & they’re not even my own. It’s absolutely crazy how quickly time goes.

I have always been harassed on the boyfriend scenario. I guess because I have such high standards. I don’t even really like using that word because it makes it seem as though I’m looking for a perfect guy & people tend to think that I’m unrealistic. The truth is I’m not looking for a perfect guy…just the perfect guy. The guy God has for me is the perfect one. I’ve been waiting for my prince charming for 21 years…& still waiting. People think I’m crazy, but I don’t really care. I’ve never lived up to the world’s expectations, so why should I start now? Of course I’m not hiding away in my room with a bag on my head expecting him to notice me, but I refuse to settle for anything that isn’t what God has for me.

Everyone from my grandparents to my hairdresser to my gynecologist asks me about my love life. Ok…my gyn has her reasons I guess. Haha. Yesterday my 7 year old asked me if I was getting married sometime. I told her I didn’t know, but probably I would. She then asked me if I had a boyfriend…to which I said no. Then she proceeds to say & I quote “You don’t have a boyfriend! That’s the first step.” Yeah…now I’m being harassed about my love life by a 7 year old. Great.

New subject: (I’m lowsy at transitions & exceptionally scatterbrained @ 12 am)

Why does it seem that boys have almost a perfect track record of being “chronic disappearers” when you need them the most? I don’t know. This has just been my experience with them. Maybe it’s just my luck or maybe they get tired of waiting for me. I have no one in particular in mind. You know what though…I’m sitting here thinking of all my guy friends I have & have had in the past & I’m having the hardest time thinking of just 1 who hasn’t disappeared in one sense of the word or another. Scares me. That had nothing to do with anything in my life right now. I don’t know why I’m even saying it.

Today was mother’s day. I love my mother. I wouldn’t be here without her. For more reasons than one. :) She is the most selfless & beautiful woman I’ve ever met. I hope one day I’m just like her.

Aside from that…nothing to report. But there’s rarely ever a dull moment in my life so there probably will be some sort of exciting news soon.


1 comment:

Greg said...

I am a New York Times bestselling author working on a new book about mother-daughter relationships and thought you might want to contribute. Please visit my page for details about submitting stories for Mom's Little Angel.

Gregory E. Lang
Author of “Daddy’s Little Girl,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Dad,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Mom” and more.

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