Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The good news is I have gotten back into writing a little bit. If feels pretty good…and I finally got to paint today. I painted my mom a flower for mothers day on a canvas which I insisted on giving her early & it is now hanging on the wall. It looks like a 4 year old did it, but I loved every second of it. I sat outside in my backyard on a blanket & painted…brush in hand & the wind blowing in my hair. Refreshing. I’ve got to do it more often. Maybe I should switch over to those paint by number ones though. :)

I have not much else to say. Everything is still crazy in the life of me as usual…but I’m kind of learning to “roll with the punches” & still trying to balance life & make decent decisions concerning my life. There’s so many things I have to do. So many things I need to do. And so many things I want to do. Hopefully accomplishments will soon follow.

I wish I was getting my jeep in the next few weeks, but looks like that’s not gonna be for quite some time. :) I’ll keep work work working hard. I actually rolled all the windows down in the car today & pretended I was in a jeep. I know…this could qualify me for psychiatric help. But I can’t help it. I really want one. I’ll get there one day. No worries. I’ll keep dreaming. It keeps me breathing.


I’m so lost in your eyes
So lost in your touch
Your heart is a river flowing free
Everything I wish I could be
Your smile makes me weak
There’s so many things I’d like to say to you
But the words never come out right
We’re so far away from home
But home is when I look in your eyes
Waiting to see you again
Is like waiting through the night
To see the sun
It’s on the horizon
Beautiful and bright
I’m only waiting for the break of daylight
You’re my sunshine
My eyes when I’m so blind
I’ll keep waiting for you
For your eyes
Your touch
I miss you
But I’ll see you soon
Until then
You’ll be in my dreams

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