Sunday, May 31, 2009

farrah fawcett 5.16.09

Seriously. I am about to write a tribute to her. Not even kidding. A 2 hour special came on tv tonight that I watched. Impressive considering I rarely even watch tv. Anyways…a 2 hour special of Farrah’s battle with cancer. Everyone should have watched it. In fact, I would kind of like to watch it again. I can sum this all up with 3 little words. Life is precious. The sooner we realize the importance of being alive, the better. Farrah closed the show by saying simply this… “what are you fighting for?” I was almost in shock as I heard these words come from her mouth. This is something that I often think of myself. I thought it was a perfect ending her story. Her courage was astonishing. All I kept thinking was…oh my God, how could you have enough will power to push yourself through something like that. As devastating her story…to watch her tell it was life changing.

That’s all I’ll say about it. Watch it if you ever get the chance.

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