Thursday, January 29, 2009

a wonderful week

i may have just managed to have the most wonderful week i've had in quite a while. i feel as though i have been caught in between a time warp almost. for the past week it has felt like time has stood still upon several occasions. i don't's like i have managed to find the time to sit down & simply breath.

at the same time i feel as though i am caught in between two things. both seem right. both fit, yet how am i to know which to choose? or if to choose at all?

is waiting always what's right or is plunging in headfirst sometimes absolutely necessary?

both of these which i have become accustomed to, but in this case...i am unsure i can tell as to which road to take.

on another note, i am so unbelieveably happy for my friends. for those that i love.
they mean more to me than you could ever imagine.
it's the little things that have made all of the difference.

as another transition:

you have my heart all tangled up in knots. here i go again:

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