Friday, January 23, 2009


i need some. a little inspiration & a little motivation.
i have been sick for an entire week. not fun. the weight of
the world weighs on me. i would like to be in new york city.
in the spring time. just to catch a glimpse of things from
another perspective. it has been so cold here in florida for
the past week or so. not fond of it. i need to feel the warm
sunshine on my face & breathe the warm air in my lungs. i love
it. i have had the heater blasting as if i were an eskimo living
in an igloo.

i want to become more picture friendly on this dear blog. a little
more personal perhaps. therefore, if i throw in random pictures of
yours life, my friends...enjoy.

i feel i have one coming on now:

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my roommates. a fantastic picture of "how we do." we're fun. in for anything that causes a good laugh here & there. i love them.

and for some reason it's cutting off one of them. i will work on that. let's try this one:

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alright. i need a lot of work.

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