Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Here’s to the people that you meet that give you sheer hope.

An utter sense of confidence that you’re life will not go

Unnoticed. I met one of these people recently. One with a

Passion running deep. A life that bleeds Jesus. And breath

Like that of a patient running stream. I have found myself

To still be captivated at the very thought. I can’t seem to

Stop thinking about it. Hanging on every word. Wishing

That I could relive the moment over.

It has been these people that I meet upon occasion that have

Changed me the most. The ones who unknowingly cause me

To believe that I am not alone in this. The ones who tug on my

Heart to pursue my dreams. To live my life in utter abandonment.

Afterall, my life is not my own. I have learned to give selflessly.

With no expectation of return. Just the satisfaction of knowing that

I have been a mere catalyst in pursuit of eternity.

on another note...

thusfar, my week has been wonderful.

Jesus has giving me an overwhelming joy that is indescribable.

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