Sunday, February 8, 2009



I have grown to love this word. To reach for the simple things in life, has brought me the most happiness. A slight breeze. A pretty glance. A small flower. A friendly smile. An intellectual conversation. A white picket fence.


One word I’ve managed to fight for…for the past 22 years. Something that is so easily overlooked. A word that most people have no idea what the definition is, much less what it looks like.


The reason I breath. The reason to live. To pursue dreams. To fight for one another. The ironic thing is that the lovely things in my life are the ones that most often take my breath away.


On a word that I will never take for granted. For the people in life that can truly be called friends are few and far between. But that’s of course what makes them so special.


A outward expression of an inward feeling. An uninhibited way of saying…JOY belongs here. Of saying that life has a meaning. And that life does not go unnoticed.


Something that I have become accustomed to. Which has strangely become uncomfortably comfortable.


The life that I live. And the life that I love to live. With mistakes too numerous to fix. But the will to learn. To keep moving. To aspire for more.

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