Wednesday, November 12, 2008

life of disorder & contentment

when people state a sentence & then the immediate sentence after that is "no offense" it always means that whatever they said was offensive & they know they shouldn't have said it. it's a complete oxymoron & it drives me crazy.

thank you. i just wanted to get that off of my chest.


i love that random people come up to talk to me. and vice versa.
i love talking to strangers. i frequently meet them. & i love it.
i love love it.


yesterday i sat in encounter. me & Jesus.
He specifically told me...

"that where I am, there you may be also."

like...i don't even think that i realized that was in the Bible until my roommate read me that portion of Scripture late last night.

a frequent tradition of us.
that i have become quite fond of nonetheless.

but it's exciting to hear from God.

i love hearing His voice.

and i only hear it when i listen.
i am learning to listen.
to wait.
and seek.

but i feel like He & i are becoming closer than before.
that i am starting to catch glimpses of His love everywhere i go.

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