Monday, September 29, 2008

walls to climb

yesterday did not blow over so well. i mean honestly this semester has been aweful so far. the beginning started out decent. well...the social aspect of college started out well. actually a little too well. :) but between the busyness of classes & the studying, i barely have time to think for myself. my course load this semester would make any normal person go insane. lucky for me, i'm not a normal person. yet i still feel the intensity that i may be slowly drowning. i'm am in a constant state of schoolwork, or else taking a small break only to think about the fact that i need to do more. it's exhausting. i've almost reached the halfway mark. typically it gets a little more difficult from here which concerns me. my social life has virtually ceased to exist. though i can not set myself up for failure, i feel like i now realize the implications of failure. i have had to deal with plenty of that in my life. not a ton, but just enough to make me realize that failure doesn't mean it's over. it only means there might be a little more set backs than planned. all it means is that you get up & try again.

with that's almost october. unbelieveable. 2 1/2 more months until i start this process over. hopefully in a little different scenario in which i'm in now. one that i am unable to share with you now, but soon.

christmastime. i will spend the next few months waiting for christmastime...


learn persistence when your young.
it's the only thing to keep you moving in a forward direction.

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