Saturday, September 13, 2008


i would dare say it is one of the hardest times in your life.
you're on your own.

you have so many decisons to make.
life altering decisions.
decisions that make you become.
exactly who it is that you are becoming.

it's when you finally decide what you truly believe in.
what you think is important.
it's when you no longer need anyone else's opinion.
because you live your life for what you decide
it's worth living for.

it's when you decide to chuck those morals out the window.
that you've been taught you're whole life.
or else you cling on to them for dear life.
praying you will be able to keep them in your heart.

there are so many decisions to be made. important ones.
these seem like little issues, but amazing how one wrong
decision could influence the rest of your life.

talk about pressure!!!

is it the difference in one beer? or four?
in jumping into that boys truck? or not?
studying for the big exam or "wing it"?
cigarettes? or none?

what will you choose?
who will you become?

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