Wednesday, September 3, 2008

chai tea latte's: a matter of life or death

2nd post today. i know. impressive right? :)

tonight i ate dinner alone on a bench by a beautiful fountain.
the sun was just setting.
with the wind slightly blowing in my hair.
i can catch a glimpse of Him everywhere.
at least i can when i pay attention.
i only wish i paid attention more often.
i'm working on it though.
He keeps whispering His love in the most unlikely places.

then i went to starbucks (a rarity in my life unfortunately).
unfortunate only because chai tea latte's are right up there on the
list with bare feet & walking around naked.
both of which i am unashamed to say i love TREMENDOUSLY.

there are so many things i want to say, but the words never come out right.
i'll be back when i find some words.


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