Tuesday, September 2, 2008


i love them.
you know that by now.
if you know me at all.
if there's one thing that rips.
my heart into shreds.
it's for me to watch someone.
throw their life away.

i'm disappointed.
a little hurt.
i'm not sure why.
because i've known it all along.


a righteous anger though.
an anger for the things of God & not the things of this world.

i just want to stand in a field & scream His name.
to save us from all of this hell that is so easily mistaken
for something worth saving.

i completely don't understand this situation.
and i know this post doesn't make sense.
my sincere apologies.
i'll put it in the hands of the Father.

Jesus save us.
open our eyes.
to the things that are REAL.
to You Jesus.

i can cry out for souls all day long.
but You're the only One that can save.

please God.
save this one.

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