Monday, January 28, 2008

oh man

what a week & it's only monday. mom & lins come to visit me on friday...but all the excitement begins on thursday afternoon. :) driving out to tampa to pick up bethany's aunt & her grandma & mom are driving down thursday too. beth & i have already decided to go get a tostada salad. best in the central florida area. haha. here i go again with personal information. yes i suppose i just gave away the fact that i live in central florida. the sunshine state. beautiful.

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i love how whenever i have a birthday we celebrate for like an entire week. we're going to 'so far' my favorite restaurant in florida & just relaxing by the beach. that's my idea of a good time. plus it's superbowl weekend...

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i can't wait til they get here. i've only been here a few weeks & i'm about ready to move home. haha. i love it here...but you everything gets old after a while. plus i have a ton of "studying" & what not & i haven't cracked a book all semester.

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i'm about to go to a volleyball coaches meeting. b & i thankfully got a team together last minute. we only play for about 8 weeks, but it should be fun. even if i have had a hurt ankle for 6 months.

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i'm sitting here ravenously hungry too. i've been eating so unbelieveably healthy & exercising every chance i get over the past few weeks. i'm proud of myself. but i wish i had a large piece of chocolate cake right now. haha.

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i really doubt you care about my desires for chocolate cake, but i thought i'd fill you in on details anyways.


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*listened to this one 8 million times while running the lake. i wish i knew someone named...DAVE. if i did, i'd play it for him.

And I say, "Just go.
Please, Dave, just drive.
Get us as far as far can be.
Get us away from tonight."
And I say, "Oh, Dave, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to yell,
But I'm having quite a bad week
And I miss my mom."
And we drive
Dave steps on the gas
The world that's flying by is slick and smooth
Just big waves of light
The radio is playing Queen
And we're rocking out
We're going now
'Cause, hey, this is it
This is where we are
Out here where silence is
Seventy miles an hour and the windows up tight
And I am home.
-saves the day

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