Friday, January 25, 2008


oh...i want to write. i always want to write. about what should i write tonight? who knows.

you know what i've been thinking about lately though??? i love life. i really do. i mean as crappy as it can be & as much as it hurts most of the time, i love it. i love waking up every day not knowing what is going to happen...who i'm going to meet...or what kind of challeges i will overcome during the day.

my top 10 songs right now in no particular order:

-sigur ros: hljomalind
-starrfadu: let it out
-pete yorn: strange condition
-the last goodnight: pictures of you
-jon mclaughlin: beautiful disaster
-jimmy eat world: kill
-sleeping at last: say
-one republic: all we are
-lifehouse: whatever it takes
-holiday parade: the truth

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by the way...i am a firm believer in "saying all the things that you really want to say" just like sleeping at last sings. sometimes i come across a little...what's the word??? strong. but it's just the way i am. i've always been that way. i've never let anyone tell me what to do. i'm the most stubborn, strong willed & independent person you may ever run in to. i guess sometimes it can get me into trouble.....but what can i's me. i don't live my life with regrets. i'd rather say something that sounds stupid than live my life wondering why i didn't say what i wanted to. make sense???

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random. but i really want to get my nose pierced this summer. i've been waiting to do it for so long. it looks a little painful, but i feel like i will always want to do it until i do it. the "doctor" in me thinks it might be a little dangerous, but again...i don't think i'll be satisfied until i do it. i just gotta find someone to go with me & hold my hand. haha.

to add to the things i want to do this summer i HAVE to pick up my music again. i'm a starving musician with no music. how did that happen? it's killing me. i'm back at it soon i hope. back to writing. back to playing. back to singing.

the remainder of my time will be spent at school i suppose. summer school. yipee. nope. whatever though. i've gotta graduate on time. so i can do whatever it is i'm going to do after i graduate....

go to australia.

i don't know.

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i'm completely trusting God. i've been on this mission to trust Him. i've been on this mission to love myself. to not need a boy to validate me, because Jesus validates me. i'm convinced that it's the only way to live. all of these people needing other people for validation makes me cringe.

anyways. unorganized post. unperfect.

like my life.

i don't like to say extremely personal things on here. afterall this is the world wide web, but...

speaking of my life, i'll be 21 in a week.


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