Wednesday, March 17, 2010

hear me

*side note: the beautiful photos belong to my favorite photographer. parker young.* (i secretly spend hours at a time. looking at his work.)

beauty is everywhere.

& when i get my new camera.
expect to never see me without it.


i have so much to say. always.
i have amazing friends.
ones that make me incandescently happy.
an amazing family.
that never leaves my side.
an amazing God.
amazing is an understatment.
how could words possibly describe.
all 3 of which love me.
even when i don't deserve it.
i never deserve it.
but that's what makes it beautiful.
i love my life.
i love that i love.
& that i am loved.
i love that when i can't take anymore.
someone wraps me in their warm arms.
lets me cry on their shoulder.
& holds me until the uncertainty.
& the fear vanishes.
i love sacrifice.
i hate goodbyes.
but love the anticipation.
of meeting your eyes again.
i am hopeful.
that i am one day closer.
to seeing your smile.
my heart aches.
but my soul rejoices.
the tears that i cry.
aren't tears of surrender.
they're the tears.
of a fighter.
of a long awaited battle.
i stand on the mountain top.
sword in hand.
they are my cries of victory.
my eyes are wide awake.
of you.
of me.
of us.
no regrets.
no looking back.
nothing left unsaid.
heart strings.
that will never be cut.
or knotted.
tied together.
so tightly.
that you & i will never be apart.
for my heart beats in rhythm with yours.
& yours with mine.
we lie under the same stars.
& look up at the same sky.
the same sun shining on our faces.
the distance from me.
to where you are.
seems less far.
not a day passes.
where i do not think of you.

thank you.
for loving me.
for your courage.
making me strong.

i am brave.
because you are brave.

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