Friday, June 19, 2009

june 19

I would like to write something profound. Endearing. Maybe even something a little contentious. I haven’t decided what that is yet. That could be a slight problem. During the day I may have a million profound things to say, but by time I sit down to write them I have forgotten them all. Maybe I will think of something intellectually stimulating within the next week.

This weekend I spent 4 days in a mansion to say the least. I nanny-ed for a couple & had a blast taking care of their daughter. A handful nonetheless, but the Lord blessed me so much with that job. Young people & children are my passion, so it honestly seems less like a job & more like a calling. I made a pocketful of money which was needed beyond what you can understand.

I laughed at realizing how much of a minimalist I am. Simple could probably describe me to the core. Although I many times feel myself struggling with discontentment, it really doesn’t take much to please me. I realized that the simpler my life is, the happier I am. I love my friends, my family. I love the simple things in life. Of course having nice things is great too, I have found that often the things that are the most expensive in life are the things that ironically have the least value to me. The ‘free’ things in life are what are most valuable to me. They are the things that I treasure the most in my heart. Friends. Family. Love. Little flowers. Dancing. Walking with you under a starlit sky.

My list could go on. Forever probably. The simple things are what bring me the most joy in life. People taking an interest in my life…I am so thankful for that. For the people that have made me who I am today. The people that weren’t afraid to tell me what they were thinking. Those that told me that I was making a mistake when I was making a mistake & encouraged the decisions in my life that were wise. Those that encouraged me to never stop dreaming. Which is why I am such a dreamer to this day still. Those that believed in me. Forced me to never give up. Pushed me through the pain & the tears only to make me realize what the important things in life were truly about.

For this I will always be thankful.
For the simplest smile.
Encouraging word.
Gentle hug.
That ‘hello’.
Flowers on my doorstep.
Kind eyes.

These little things mean the most to me.

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