Sunday, June 29, 2008

i forgot

to post this one 6.14.08

I am sitting down to write. Finally. I am feeling somewhat inspired. This summer has been insanely busy. Most days I wonder how in the world I’m going to accomplish all of this stuff, while still managing to get by with my normal life. So far I’ve made it. I’m going to make it. I’m certain. I’ve had so much on my mind lately. I feel like I have been carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders….kind of a big responsibility…

Life is changing. Dramatically. More so & faster than I ever thought. No complaints though. I think this might actually turn out ok. I’m scared & excited all at the same time. Maybe what I wanted all along is finally turning out to be. Even if it has been a little harder than I thought. I think I may be finally finding the “ME” I’ve been looking for for so long.

Tonight was great. I laughed. I feel like I haven’t really laughed in a long time. You know what I mean by laugh? I mean not a chuckle…not a smile. I mean one of those loud laughs where you’re embarrassed that you laughed that loud.

Laughing. I love that word. It’s a word of sheer joy. Of bliss.
Many people live their lives without joy.
Without any laughter.
With so much pain.
I can’t imagine.

Thank you God for Your joy in my life.
For family.
For friends.
For love.

I have no idea where life is going to take me. I have no idea what’s around the corner, but what I am starting to catch a glimpse of is the things that I want for my life. I constantly have to tell myself not to settle for anything less.

I guess we’ll see. :)

Anyways…there’s been beauty in the breaking.

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