Thursday, April 24, 2008


"those little nothings have meant so much more to me than so many somethings."

oh how i wish i had something extraordinary to share with you. but the truth is i live an ordinary life extraordinarily. and...i like it that way. i mentioned a zillion times how much i love meeting people. it is as true today as it was then. i love listening to people stories. i love people who love. i love love. nothing extraordinary has really happened to me in the past few days. i've met some amazing people, but that's just because i talk to everybody i see. it's like an addiction with me. i seriously can't help it.

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i go home in one week. i'm mostly happy, but sad to leave the people i love. you know how it goes. but you know what they say..."absence makes the heart grow fonder." do you believe that? i think i do. keeping you from what you want only makes you want it more. unfortunately. who knows what this summer will hold. i'm going with no expectations. but there's a few things i want to they are:

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-paint. paint. & paint some more.
-play my piano & finish more of my songs.
-teach my dog not to jump on me when i come in the door.
-take 11 hrs of classes (not happy about that one).
-run 500 miles (not all at once).
-talk to one stranger every day.
-read a few books with chai tea latte in hand.
-take a roadtrip (alone & not alone).
-take time to breath deep.
-dance a lot.
-lay outside under the stars.
-get enough courage to tell you how i really feel about you (in a good way).

there's just the beginning. let's see how much i get done.


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