Saturday, March 29, 2008


i feel like any relationship/friendship has to begin with being personal. i mean if you can't be personal, how can you have a relationship with anyone? i guess you are hearing this from someone who believes that you need to say exactly what you want to say when you are thinking it (unless of course it is offensive or whatever) sometimes i'm sure i can come across a little strong in that area. but i love people. a lot. i love meeting new people. i think that the greatest thing in the world you can give people (aside from Jesus & love of course) is a compliment. everyone loves them. how can you not smile when someone compliments you. i feel like today in our society it is more difficult to compliment someone of the opposite sex in fear that they will "think more of what is was than what you actually meant." but luckily i have overcome this fear. i'm sure people have taken the wrong idea from something i said, but when in the world did a compliment mean that you were "hitting on someone." haha. there has to become a point in your life where you're just happy to be you, unafraid of saying the things that you want to say...instead of just thinking them in your head. i've found this to be tremendously rewarding & i've met some amazing people in the process.

so there is my advice for today. nothing too over the top, but it's the weekend...i'm trying to rest my brain until finals week.


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ps. you look beautiful by the way :)

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