Friday, March 21, 2008

almost home

i can't believe that the semester is almost over. just a little over a month & i'll be home sweet home. how sweet it will be i have no idea. because i'm supposed to be taking classes all summer. it has been so unbelieveably tiring to even get everything done in order to do that. now classes are almost full. haha. exhaustion. not to mention i have 89 million papers, projects & tests coming up. what's a girl to do?

*i'm not really getting my hopes entirely up, but maybe things will start looking up elsewhere. at least i hope they do.

my sighs of hope...that keep me breathing. & my patient watches out at the night sky.*

the turn around has to be on it's way. absolutely has to.

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oh & today's good friday. i have no idea why Jesus died to save me...
but i'm so grateful He did. & that He conquered death & the grave
so that i could have life.

My hero.
You're everything i wish could be.
The only thing i need.
I love You.

-just a few days ago i was in the shower...
crying out to God. i do mean literally crying
out. Weeping all over the shampoo bottles yet
He still loves me.

i have no idea why we don't love like Jesus does.
but it is my personal goal to live my life with
His love pouring from my heart.

and i pray to God, i will keep catching these glimpses
of His heart in the most unlikely of places.

"Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saves a wretch like me
I once was lost
And now I'm found
Was blind but now I see."

.much love
from the Father's heart
and mine.

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