Monday, March 31, 2008


Grace, she carries a world on her hips
No champagne flute for her lips
No twirls or skips between her fingertips
She carries a pearl in perfect condition
What once was hurt
What once was friction
What left a mark
No longer stings
Because Grace makes beauty
Out of ugly things

Sunday, March 30, 2008

YOUR eyes

sometimes (ok...most of the time) i feel like i am waiting for something that may never come.

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i wish i could see the world through YOUR eyes.
that would make a world of difference for me.

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i feel so far away from where i want to be.
i've been so completely & utterly lost for
the past i don't know how long. i am in
desperate need to hear the voice of the
One i love. i need to be rescued. i need
Him to carry me away...

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Saturday, March 29, 2008


i feel like any relationship/friendship has to begin with being personal. i mean if you can't be personal, how can you have a relationship with anyone? i guess you are hearing this from someone who believes that you need to say exactly what you want to say when you are thinking it (unless of course it is offensive or whatever) sometimes i'm sure i can come across a little strong in that area. but i love people. a lot. i love meeting new people. i think that the greatest thing in the world you can give people (aside from Jesus & love of course) is a compliment. everyone loves them. how can you not smile when someone compliments you. i feel like today in our society it is more difficult to compliment someone of the opposite sex in fear that they will "think more of what is was than what you actually meant." but luckily i have overcome this fear. i'm sure people have taken the wrong idea from something i said, but when in the world did a compliment mean that you were "hitting on someone." haha. there has to become a point in your life where you're just happy to be you, unafraid of saying the things that you want to say...instead of just thinking them in your head. i've found this to be tremendously rewarding & i've met some amazing people in the process.

so there is my advice for today. nothing too over the top, but it's the weekend...i'm trying to rest my brain until finals week.


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ps. you look beautiful by the way :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

so long

i want to pack up my things.
& head out to the east coast.
with you.
right now.
just me & you.
let's jump off the shoreline.
your hand in mine.
the sand under our feet.
let's go anywhere.
anywhere but here.
anywhere fast.
you're eyes have me spinning.
all i'm doing now.
is holding on for dear life.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

i wish

i could carry my computer with me wherever i go.

i always have the most profound things in my head, but then when i sit down to write them out, i've forgotten everything...

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i'm completely bowing out gracefully this time. it's the hardest thing basically ever. but i'm doing it.

and i'm doing it with a smile on my face.

yes i know. thank you. i should recieve some kind of hand clap or award.

better yet a massive hug.

Run, baby, run
Don’t ever look back
They’ll tear us apart if you give them the chance
Don’t sell your heart
Don’t say we’re not meant to be
Run, baby, run
Forever we’ll be

Friday, March 21, 2008

almost home

i can't believe that the semester is almost over. just a little over a month & i'll be home sweet home. how sweet it will be i have no idea. because i'm supposed to be taking classes all summer. it has been so unbelieveably tiring to even get everything done in order to do that. now classes are almost full. haha. exhaustion. not to mention i have 89 million papers, projects & tests coming up. what's a girl to do?

*i'm not really getting my hopes entirely up, but maybe things will start looking up elsewhere. at least i hope they do.

my sighs of hope...that keep me breathing. & my patient watches out at the night sky.*

the turn around has to be on it's way. absolutely has to.

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oh & today's good friday. i have no idea why Jesus died to save me...
but i'm so grateful He did. & that He conquered death & the grave
so that i could have life.

My hero.
You're everything i wish could be.
The only thing i need.
I love You.

-just a few days ago i was in the shower...
crying out to God. i do mean literally crying
out. Weeping all over the shampoo bottles yet
He still loves me.

i have no idea why we don't love like Jesus does.
but it is my personal goal to live my life with
His love pouring from my heart.

and i pray to God, i will keep catching these glimpses
of His heart in the most unlikely of places.

"Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saves a wretch like me
I once was lost
And now I'm found
Was blind but now I see."

.much love
from the Father's heart
and mine.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

oh boy

literally :)

here we go again...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

therapeutic things

-the smell of vanilla.
-guys who say what their thinking
not caring that you might take it "wrong"
(ex: compliments).
-the sound of waves crashing on the shore.
-warm sheets out of the dryer.
-christmas lights.
-cookies just out of the oven.
-gentle winds on a warm summer night.
-lying in a field of flowers.
-the first snow of the year.
-my ipod.

there's more, but this is all i have time for now.

i guess TRANQUIL is the word for the day.

Friday, March 14, 2008


hard to find inspiration.
it's easy to lose the will.
but somehow i've got to find a way.
to tell you how i feel.
it's this light that strikes inside of me.
the complexities.
the sincerity of your eyes.
dissatified with the words.
but glimmers of glances unending.
waiting tirelessly through rainy nights.
dreaming with my eyes wide open.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

thank you alicia keys

i'll probably listen to this one all night. beautiful.

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He broke my heart
and now it's raining
Just to rub it in
I'm at your door
I feel so crazy bout' it
You say I told you so
You saw it long ago
You knew he had to go
I finally came around
I'm back on solid ground
Can't let it get me down

It's alright
it's alright
It's alright
It's alright

Yes I was burned but I called it a lesson learned.
Mistake overturned so I called it a lesson learned.
My soul has returned so I call it a lesson learned.
Another lesson Learned

His tears your eyes
30 seconds to apologize
You give him one more chance
just like the time before
but he already knows you'd give a hundred more
until that night in bed, you wake up in a sweat
Your racing to the door
Can't take it anymore

Life perfect, aint perfect if you don't know what the struggles for
Falling down aint falling down if you don't cry when you hit the floor
It's called the past 'cause im getting past
and i ain't nothing like I was before.
You ought to see me now.

Yes I was burned but I called it a lesson learned
Mistake overturned but i called it lesson learned.
My soul has returned so I call it a lesson learned.
Another lesson learned....

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


If we survive
If we get out alive
I’d like to say how beautiful I think you are–the starting line

It was frightening today how much I was reminded of my senior year in high school. Tonight so many things reminded me of it & I have a feeling that this isn’t the end of it. It was as if I was having tiny flashbacks from the past. This happens every once in a while. Mostly just when I’m home & have time to think about my life. It feels so crazy because it seems like when I go certain places or do certain things, I am reminded of what was & who was with me throughout that year. The things I said. The things you said. All of the people that I held on to through those rainy nights. I think I’ve talked about this before. But…it was the best & the worst time of my life all put together in one large clump. As I was sitting there, I was thinking about some of the insane things I did & some of the amazing things that God did. I thought about volleyball & just friendships in general. I can honestly say at that time in my life, I had no doubt that people had my back. I could not have asked for a better year. I think that I had just about everything in my life that I’ll ever need. It was so far the best year of my life. Everything that I ever needed was right in front of me.


For a split second I think that I knew what breathing was. I felt so real. So happy. So….me. For once in my life. I miss that feeling. Sometimes I still find myself trying to stand on my feet again. It’s tough. I doubt that things will ever be like they were then. Most of the time I find myself still dreaming about it & I’ve held on to way more than I ever should have. But that’s me. Lover. Fighter. It’s in my blood. My heart still skips when I think about that year. I breathe my sighs of satisfaction. Of dissatisfaction. Of hope. Things are different, but kind of the same. I guess we’ve all changed, but the feelings that once shook me from my bitter cynicism still shake me know. But I enjoyed my little blast from the past.

I wrote a lot during that time in my life. A whole lot.

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I’m writing this for you, my Love
Your hands around my waist
My arms around your neck
Your face against mine
It was so perfect
I saw that look in your eyes
I knew exactly what you were thinking
You kissed my head gently
Sweetly whispered goodnight
I smiled & whispered back
And without hesitation
“I love you” came from your lips
I closed my eyes
Hoped the night would never end
And for what seemed like hours yet seconds
I felt my heart beating for the first time
For once in my life I knew what breathing felt like
I breathed in your sweet scent
You held me in your strong arms
Caressed my hair & held me tight
My lips at your fingertips
And my head against your chest
I could hear your heartbeat in rhythm with mine
The night called us home
You took my hand in yours
And sweetly promised tomorrow
I would not sleep
In fear that this was all a dream
But I woke up the next morning
Only to find you
Still holding me


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