Saturday, November 3, 2007

shimmering eyes

you know those people that have kind eyes? i mean those people that you look at & you feel like you are home. like you are taking the 1st breath you've ever taken in your entire life. those people with a smile that makes you go weak at the knees. and your heart stops beating but you somehow manage to say alive. like their voice calms something in your heart that beats so fast and for once you feel at rest. of course....everything that comes out of my mouth is somewhat of a stutter or ramble. then i wanna kick myself in the shin. haha. it's so embarrassing.

but you know what i'm talking about? i love people like that. i guess i should say BOYS like that. ha. girls never make me go weak at the knees, but i figured you knew what i was talking about. :) those boys where there's just something charming & enchanting behind those eyes & smile. it really doesn't happen that often for me. i'm really picky when it comes to things like that, but every once in a while...there's that boy where i'm & my breath catches in my chest.

i have no idea why i am saying all this. i guess because...someone in particular was coming to mind, but no one particular if you know what i mean. me & mom always joke about that line in that movie. she always tells me, "you never know when lightning's gonna strike." haha. it's so true though.

sometimes i miss the inevitable "him" so much that it hurts to breath. but i give it to God every day. i refuse to do anything out of my own strength, but i'm letting God write my story. i'm just watching & waiting for him.

i'm waiting for the day i catch YOUR eye.

someday my prince will come. no worries.

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