Friday, September 28, 2007


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i wish i was there now. i wish i was there yesterday. i wish i was there tomorrow.

my heart beats for australia & i've never even been there. my heart beats for so many things, but i've had a heart for australia since i was 12. talk about God building up the suspense. sheesh. some days i feel like packing & getting on the next plane, but i know i have to wait. God's so crazy. i love him. someone prophecied to my sister that i was going there & i wasn't even there. waaaaaaaaaahhh! i wanna go.

i'm going soon enough. i love australia.

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on a completely other note. i miss my piano....super bad.

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i completely wasn't even going to tell you this, but if you really want to see a beautiful heart, read stephen christians blog. he's one of my personal heroes in life.

& now that the cat is out of the bag...i know you'll read his & not mine because he's amazing. haha. it kept me busy all summer & i want to read everything again. but...from one revolutionist to another, i feel that i have an obligation to him...not to mention i frequently steal things from his blogs & am feeling a little guilty about it now :) i wish i could sit down & have a cup of coffee with him. he completely blows my mind. anyways...try it out. i think you'll be blessed. life is all about perspective. he's one of the most influential people i've ever "not met." so cool. here's his link:::

modesty. how appropriate. i love it.

♥ ♥ ♥

now i'm leaving you with something that God gave me a while back:

Close your eyes Love
Take my hand
And hold on tight
Everything will be alright
Soon the Light is coming
I know it's hard for you to see
The pain you feel is so real
As your heart starts beating
At the speed of light
You feel it pounding in your chest
As you bein to lose your breath
You wonder if there is hope
I'm here to tell you there is
Don't give up or let go
Don't give in
You're not alone
I'm right here
Waiting to catch you

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

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