Sunday, September 30, 2007

a mothers prayer

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a dear friend died this morning.

my thoughts are still a little scattered but i'll do the best i can.

when i grow up i hope that i'm half the woman my mother is. i don't really have the time to explain the "ins & outs" of this death, but my mother is the most compassionate & strongest woman in the entire world. this old man was my mothers best friend & she was probably the only source of Jesus' love he had ever really seen. it was hard to see him go, because he was like another grandfather to me, but it would be harder seeing him suffer. mom always talked to him about Jesus. i will never forget.

my mother has the most audacity of anyone i've ever known. i'm convinced that if it weren't for our mother's prayer, the world would cease to exist. my world would cease to exist anyways.

she has above all else taught me to unselfishly love no matter what the cost.

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