Thursday, September 27, 2007


oh how i wish that i had a beautiful beginning for you. i always have the worst trouble with beginnings. i've written here multiple times but for some reason i get in this strange habit of deleting it a few weeks later. i'll try my best not to do that this time so that hopefully you get something out of it & well...i will forever get to look back & see the goodness of God & the journey of where life takes me. i only wish that i would have began this sooner. with that goal here is to be completely honest with you. maybe you will be able to relate to some of the pains i go through, some of the joys i go through and some of the absolute silent times i go through. with all of this that i careful not to get the impression that i'm someone i'm not. if you really want to know who i am...sit down with me & listen to my heart. let my life & light be an example of who i am in Jesus Christ.

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i'm so excited about this. that no one else i know has a blogspot. the whole "fad" thing really can hurt a persons creativity. anyways hopefully it'll stay that way. so sit back, relax & read.

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beginnings. they really are beautiful.

tonight is one of those nights honestly where i wish i had my "sweetheart" so that he & i could just take a little evening walk together to talk about the things of God, the things on our hearts & the day to day complexities that we go through. i've been thinking about him a lot lately. i'm convinced that God will bring him to me when it's time. but my dreaming heart is always dreaming of that day. sometimes i think i see him in the faintest glimpse coming around the corner. but this really isn't going to be about dearest Love tonight.

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this is about beginnings. the beginning of something great. i can hear the reverberating sounds of a revolution coming. i'm on the verge of something great.

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