Monday, April 13, 2009

where to begin?

all i know is that this life is not about me.
with graduation 17 days away or so, i have now
realized that i may not be graduating in a few weeks
unless Jesus breaks through for me somehow.
(which He seems to be accustomed to doing in my life at the last split
second). i kind of love that about Him. He forces
me to get on my face & cry out. as disappointing
as the thought seems, part of me feels disappointed
to be finished with this.

at the same time. i have dreams. so large. i'm ready
to take the leap. i want to change the world. the
crazy thing is...that i actually believe that i can.

i never want to stop dreaming. to stop reaching out
to people. my heart beats for people.

i'm excited where God will use me next. He let
me encounter a little taste of what He has in
store for me over this past weekend. Just enough
to fuel my heart a little more. just enough
to make me a little bolder.

to make me a little more fearless.
a little more courageous.

Jesus. my Jesus.
give me Your eyes to see.
the ears to hear.
the voice to speak.

to bring hope to this world which is so hopeless.
to bring light into the darkness.
and to love the unlovable.

1 comment:

Lee Anne said...

I love your heart. <3
Happy for you, proud of you, inspired by you.

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