Sunday, April 5, 2009

love deeply

physical touch is by far my love language. i'm just throwin it out there. it has nothing to do with anything.


the people that God puts in my life to show me what love is...

it astounds me. astounds is putting it lightly.

can i just say that?

i feel like my heart for people has grown so much that it may burst.
i feel as though i can look into someone's eyes & see their heart. it's bizarre. and i love it.

i'm not really a "cry-er." in fact, i rarely do, but for the first time in a long heart is so overwhelmed with the love of my Father through the eyes of the people that i am constantly surrounded by that i feel as though i could possibly shed a tear if i really wanted to. haha.

i am so unbelievably blessed. if i could trade my life for someone else's...i wouldn't.

i love my life. i love the people in my life.
the hardest thing i've had to do yet is going to be leaving southeastern in a few weeks. i never thought the time would come.

it will absolutely break my heart into pieces.
yet, God is still God.
He constantly pushes me out of my comfort zones.
to let go of the things that i love so that i can be in love with Him alone.

i know that God is preparing my heart for something bigger than i could even imagine. i'm just praying that when it's time to let these things go, that i will be able to.

it will be difficult. thinking about it is painful, but He is calling me to something greater. it is hard to imagine my life any other way.

here's to the Love of my life. the friends He has put in my life whom i love deeply. and to the chance to open myself to love even more.

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