Monday, August 4, 2008


*i am so incredibly thankful for friends. those friends that have stood by me through thick & thin. through unexpected & suspected. especially the ones that have been by my side over the past few months. those that have held me through the tears & laughed with me in the rain. i really can not express to you how much i love them. for their courage & strength when i have trouble finding mine. a few stick out in my mind & without those few...i would have not made it this far. so today i'm sending this little "thank you" into the void. every day i wake up is another day to express truly how grateful i am for those who have lived their life as a part of mine. and i intend on living my life as a part of theirs as well.*

i saw rascal flatts & taylor swift on friday night with mom & sis. what a great time! probably the best concert i've ever seen. thank God i'm a country girl. i can't have it any other way.

last night i saw journey & heart. and yet another great time with a dear friend. i love that kind of music. that's when music was truly good. not that it's not good now, but there's something about the 80's. maybe it's because i was born then? who any rate, it's always fun to pull out my cigarette lighter & wave it in the air. although i don't smoke, i find it profoundly & absurdly comforting to carry a cigarette lighter in my purse everywhere i go.

it was nice to let go & just dance this weekend.

i believe i have 11 days left at home sweet home. then back to sunny florida. where God rises & sets the sun every day for me. it will be hard, yet somewhat refreshing. and in the words of cartel..."i'll give up any home just to find my dream & it's weighing on me."

You say good-bye
Every day and night
With writing on the walls
Everybody's gonna need somebody
To take our troubles, and our worries, and our problems all away

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