Wednesday, August 20, 2008

do you ever feel

like you're defeated before you even begin?

i know. i know...
the negative posts lately.
are you starting to get tired of them?
trust me, i'm tired too.
the past few months have been treacherous.

i was actually hoping that starting classes today would remedy things a little.
but boy was i wrong...

i feel like i've fallen before i've even taken my 1st step.
like i've almost reached the top of a mountain only to tumble to the bottom again.
and to top it off...i'm about as homesick as crap (however homesick crap gets...i have no clue).

and i swear...
i'm not usually like this.

this is the biggest fight i've ever had to put up with.
i've never been so discouraged in my entire life.
i want to give up.
but i can't.
i'm too stubborn.
to ever quit.

on the verge of a constant stream of tears.
and a broken heart.

with only One who could ever piece it all back together.

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