Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Everything Lyrics

I'm doing this paper for my Christian Thought class on the physical death of Jesus Christ....from a medical standpoint since I want to be a doctor.

My heart has caught in my chest about a 100 times & it's hard for me to swallow. I could never even imagine to understand the pain He felt. I'm actually feeling kind of sick now. Almost like I did when I saw The Passion. In the midst of my weeping and my heartbreak......I think I almost died at one point. I wonder what I would have done if I would have been there.

Would I have called out like the rest?
Would I have helped Him carry His cross?
Would I have ashamedly hung my head & not said a word?
Would I have kissed His face?

I keep telling Him I so wasn't worth it.

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But He keeps telling me I am.

Hmm. My hero. My LOVE conquered death and the grave so that I might have LIFE. I'm in love.


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