Saturday, December 29, 2007

i'm so

freaking stubborn. it's unbelievable.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

if ever

there was a song written for me...this might be it:

Lifehouse Lyrics
Whatever It Takes Lyrics

*listen to it on

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007


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Do you ever feel like you’re lying on your back
In a field of full of wildflowers
Arms spread out like a cross
Watching people pass by at 100 miles an hour
On every side of you
Laughing together and hardly taking notice of anything else
Smile upon your face because you see their happiness
And inside you’re breathing sighs of hope
Just waiting for that one person to pass you
Stop, turn around & come sit with you
Maybe just someone to rest your head upon
Or someone to walk home with?

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I feel like I’m waiting for that a lot. I keep waiting for him to turn around. To take my hand & walk me home. No one in particular. Just the inevitable.

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God, hold him at night
Let him know I’m on my way

Monday, December 10, 2007

children amaze me

"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot.

People forget."

Jessica - age 8

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I am outside
And I've been waiting for the sun
With my wide eyes
I've seen worlds that don't belong
My mouth is dry with words I cannot verbalize
Tell me why we live like this

Keep me safe inside
Your arms like towers
Tower over me

Cause we are broken
What must we do to restore
Our innocence
And all the promise we adored
Give us life again cause we just wanna be whole

Lock the doors
Cause I'd like to capture this voice
That came to me tonight
So everyone will have a choice
And under red lights
I'll show myself it wasn't forged
We're at war
We live like this

Keep me safe inside
Your arms like towers
Tower over me

And I'll take the truth at any cost

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Saturday, December 8, 2007


i want my life back. i have no idea where it went.

it's like i'm living someone else's.
maybe one day i'll have it all sorted out.

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the hardest part of love isn't loving someone, but having the courage to let them love you back
-the wedding date

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i keep listening to this song (stephen doubt) :

take me down to where you think i belong
you can't rescue me, you ain't that strong
you don't know no better,
i'm not going to tell you any better
can you turn this pale water to wine
if you can do that
i think we'll be fine
but you can't raise a sinner
and it's not me but honesty thats died
blurring lines between love and sin
can't tell where you stop and where i begin
my bodies sending questions to answers you can't give
or can you give
if you throw me a line i'll only drag you in
this ain't new york city and the ice is thin
keep your eyes open up all night
i'd be gone by the moment it strikes daylight
believe in fate but now you think there lies
but i never meant to hurt a soul alive
i'm still searching for what you can't give
the further i wonder the less i know that is
blurring lines between love and sin
can't tell where you stop and where i begin
my bodies sending promises that i cannot keep
well we are blurring lines between love and sin can't tell
where you stop or where i begin
my bodies sending question to answers you can't give
or can you give...


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Campaign For Real Beauty

welcome to my life & the life of every woman in America. powerful. it makes me want to go out & buy every dove product ever made. gives me chills evertime i watch it. i'm sure i'll write about it later when i get a little more time.

this one's just kind of cute:

i only wish they would have showed us this a little sooner. it too late???

you decide.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Everything Lyrics

I'm doing this paper for my Christian Thought class on the physical death of Jesus Christ....from a medical standpoint since I want to be a doctor.

My heart has caught in my chest about a 100 times & it's hard for me to swallow. I could never even imagine to understand the pain He felt. I'm actually feeling kind of sick now. Almost like I did when I saw The Passion. In the midst of my weeping and my heartbreak......I think I almost died at one point. I wonder what I would have done if I would have been there.

Would I have called out like the rest?
Would I have helped Him carry His cross?
Would I have ashamedly hung my head & not said a word?
Would I have kissed His face?

I keep telling Him I so wasn't worth it.

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But He keeps telling me I am.

Hmm. My hero. My LOVE conquered death and the grave so that I might have LIFE. I'm in love.


Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Wash away the thoughts inside
That keep my mind away from You
No more love and no more pride
The thoughts are all I have to do
Oooo..remember when it rained
Felt the ground and looked up high and called Your name
Oooo...remember when it rained
In the darkness I remain

Tears of hope run down my skin
Tears for you that will not dry
They magnify the One within
Let the outside slowly die...

-josh groban

*his voice is like rain on a tinroof. beautiful.

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