Thursday, October 11, 2007

to fight or not to fight?

where do you draw the line between fighting for something that you want & letting God be in control of it. i mean it probably wouldn't make sense unless i explained the situation & i'm not going to, but....

i don't want to sit back & let it pass me by if it's something worth fighting for, but at the same time if it's out of my hands, i don't want to push anything outside of the will of God. But again I don't want to sit by & lose it. I know God knows. If it's meant to be.....

let the chips fall where they may. it just seems like there's always something in my way.

it's just about to break.
i'm sure i need to shift my focus as usual. this goes for more than one area of my life. i'm too much of a lover & a fighter to not to think about it. i need more confidence. but i'm not setting myself up for disappointed again. man. i HATE doing what everyone else is doing. i have like CONFORM-A-PHOBIA.

if i wasn't so afraid of falling i'd jump.

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