Monday, October 8, 2007

blessed be Your name

this something i wrote a while back obviously. you'll see as you read :)

I guess today I'm thinking as usual & I guess that's usually what happens when you get any tragic news. That news that no one ever wants to hear. I've been wanting to write for so long, but the busyness often makes it difficult. After all that has happened this year, I'm kind of at a loss for words. So many great things have come out of this year & at the same time this year has been a huge struggle for everyone. The miracle in Tim Poole's life was…completely & utterly from the hand of God. I am amazed to say the least. God is so great! He is so great that & I am so not worthy of His love, but I am entirely lost without it. The whole Virginia Tech deal was the huge news for this year. Shocking…..& painful. And the death of a dear brother Josh Stacy yesterday was……..well, there's absolutely no words for it. It's weird that I just saw him leading worship last week & this week he's gone. It's unbelievably painful to say the least. I can't even begin to express the sadness of his family, his friends & my university today, but at the same time the unbelievable JOY that we feel for him. I always get this way when someone who is so young & so close is taken away. The last time I remember feeling like this was when Stan White died a little over a year ago. I think back on the ones that we've "lost"…..for lack of a better word. I guess I shouldn't say lost because in all reality, they've been found. They have been found by the Creator of the Universe! We take it sooo lightly when we say things like that, but if we only knew what we were saying! I really am so excited. Of course it's a little easier for me to say when it's not my own family member, but….at the same time….my heart is jealous that they made it HOME sooner than me! My flesh wants to say "God, why is it that only the good die young? Why is it that the ones who love You & the ones who have so much passion & life inside of them are always the ones that are taken first?" Of course I have no answer to questions like these because I'm not God. All I know is that He IS God. I think that the one resounding lesson for this year is……

The Lord gives & He takes away. But my heart will CHOOSE to say:


I keep hearing it resound in my spirit over & over again. I just pray that we will never take one single breath for granted. That every day when we wake up we thank God in heaven for breathing His life into us. I wish as young adults, we would stop acting like we are invincible. We don't realize that value of our life & how quickly it can be over. I'm not ending this on a bad note by any means. I'm simply saying that we are here for one purpose & one purpose only. To worship the King of Kings & to tell the world that He lives! I am so so so excited. Why are we always so afraid of the unknown? For once I just want to jump off of the edge & let the Father's arms catch me. To plunge into the deep & not be afraid. We, as children of the Almighty God, have a hope that no one else has. We know that there is more to this life than being alive. (oh my…am I'm quoting Anberlin) But we really do. And we know that this life is only temporary, but our life with Jesus is everlasting. If we could see Josh right now…I wonder what He'd tell us. The point is…that this is not Josh's end. It's his beginning of forever! He caught only a glimpse of this life. And now he is forever resting in Daddy's arms. He will be missed by many, but the legacy of his life….will resonate in our hearts forever. & to everyone else i would say.....

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When you pray, pray with power
When you worship, worship with passion
When you love, love deeply
When you dream, dream big

* To all the ones who have made it Home before us……tell Dad to come soon!!!*

<3 me

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