Wednesday, December 7, 2011


i have so much to say. the Lord has been speaking to me so much lately. there's so much i want to say yet i don't exactly know how. not that i don't know how but there's this overabundance of things i need to say & things that i have been learning. i guess i can say i am completely & utterly amazed at the restoration of my God.

restoration is sort of a word He's been speaking to me for years now. perhaps because i need so much of it. so much of Him. it's something i have been praying for for years in my own life & with my own bruised & tattered heart.

i recently heard shelly lubben tell her testimony. her testimony of her life in detail as an ex porn star & i felt floored. i debated whether to put it up due to it's descriptiveness & finally have decided not to for perhaps some discretion with younger readers. if it is of any interest to you, you can listen to it on youre own.

not to any surprise that my God is (Eph. 3:20) able to do exceedingly more than we could ask or imagine. His grace us this blanket that covers us & His forgiveness astounds me.

theres so much i want to say. so many things in my life have been coming up lately centered around this theme. but my brain is unorganized. perhaps i can get something together & express myself better later.

.love always.

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