Friday, September 23, 2011


i am so amazed at the faithfulness of my God. i truly am. i screw up day after day after day after day after day....& He still loves me. He still takes care of me. hears my prayers...& my cries for help. for desperation. He has sent me so many wonderful people. friends who have made me reach for more. friends who have made me never quit. & ones that have stuck around letting me know i'm not alone in my fight. i am so excited for the things that are coming. i'm excited to be at passion city church. i guess i didn't realize how dry my soul was until i finally went back to church. several years without it and without people surrounding me that were chasing after the things of God & not the things of this world makes all of the difference to me. i can't tell you the amount of freedom i have found in my God. sometimes there is nothing left to do but stand with outstretched arms in awe. i really can't tell you how liberating it is to dance around in abandonment. uninhibited. for this life is truly not my own. getting to that point of setting down my pride and laying aside my life for the things of the Kingdom is not an easy task. learning to be wrecked of my life is frightening quite frankly. learning to be still & listen for the voice of my Father isn't easy. especially when having to let go of things in my life that i've clung so tightly to. but my dreams are within reach. the time is coming. i can feel it. it's been contagious these past few months. & i'm ready. i'm ready for what is coming next.

God's grace is unending.
& thank God...literally.
because i need grace more than everyone i think.

love always.

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