Wednesday, November 3, 2010

rainy days

i've been needing some inspiration lately. i have been wondering were it went. it's like my happiness and dreams just walked away from me, but i think i caught a little glimpse of everything again today.

today was good for me. i don't know why. especially because last week was complete heartbreak & i cried myself to sleep one too many times. it's been a while since i've felt like i had just a good day. it was even raining today.

on my way to class this morning, i was kind of always. to make things crazier, i searched all through the parking lots close to class so i wouldn't have to walk in the cold alone. nothing. so i head towards our huge deck across campus. i had to walk from the 5th floor of the parking deck...all the way to class. which was really no big deal. sometimes i actually do it on purpose because i love walking. of course it was drizzling & freezing today. still doesn't bother me much. except for the freezing part. on my way down the 80 flights of stairs, i met this boy. i followed on his heels the whole way to class.

it's weird you know? we always get into our "own little world" & we forget that there are people around us all the time. we get into custom of doing things our way...going on a mission for ourselves & accomplishing it for ourselves, but we often forget that there are all these other people. we have our friends & we get so comfortable. or maybe it's just fear that holds people back from things as simple as saying hello.

i love talking to strangers & meeting new people. it's one of my all time favorites. i love it especially when i don't have to initiate it because it makes me realize that there are people out there that like...really care about other people & aren't selfish.

so, this boy & i laughed the whole way to class. in the rain. about the people running in the rain. about wavelengths & about how sadistic i am for always wanting to cut things open in lab. you know what? we didn't even catch each others names.

i like that.

because honestly it doesn't even matter.
we got to our building, out of the rain.
he patted me on the back.
like i had known him my whole life.
and we went our separate ways.
him to physics.
and me to anatomy.

maybe that's what love looks like.
see, here's the thing.

we live in this imperfect world with all these broken hearts & disappointed people. myself included. & i just never know when a few words will make someone's day.

well, things have been rough for me lately.
& this may seem a little dramatic.
but i think in a way, he saved me today.

i think next wednesday, i will park on the 5th floor of the parking deck.

on purpose.

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