Tuesday, July 13, 2010

july 7

Summer. You are my favorite. My favorite day of the entire year (july 4th) is officially over. I am so thankful for the people that are in my life. Despite the fact that I feel so far from God, (due to my own selfishness), I know that He has been with me every step of the way. I know that He has placed these people & struggles in my life for a reason. I spent the weekend with family & friends. I love my family of course. Though we have difficult times, I will always love them. I have been even more blessed to have an “extra” family. I am somewhat surprised I haven’t spoken of them prior to this, being that I generally spend as much time with them as I do my real family. I have known them for almost 11 years. The 1st family that I meet when I moved to Atlanta. & it has been amazing to grow up with them. Especially the children. I will never take for granted that I can walk into their home at any time & sit down. That I know where the hidden house key is. & that they love me so much. They would do anything for me. And me for them. From the time that I walk in the door to the time I walk out seems to be a constant stream of laughter. I never get tired of that. I hardly have a memory of my life that doesn’t involve them in some way or another. I love that. Their daughter, who is also my best friend, is getting married in September. Another life change. So excited for my sissy & so amazed at how quickly things come about. & her brother just graduated from the army. So proud of him. It always makes me cry. Not in a sad way but kind of in a sad way too. In a “I am so blessed” sort of way to have the family & friends that I do. Their mom & dad think of me as their daughter. And I think of them as mom & dad away from mom & dad.  its humbling because most people can’t say that about their lives. I love that no matter where we go or what happens down the road, we will always be family & that is something that no one will ever take away.
A few weeks ago, I went to Savannah with one of my best friends, Aryka. She is hands down the smartest friend I have. Not to mention, the best friend a person could ask for. She never judges. Always loves. I hope that at some point in my life I will be the kind of friend that she has been to me to someone else in my life. We had a wonderful and relaxing time. Much needed for the both of us. Savannah was beautiful. And exceptionally historic. Walking through the cemetery at dusk and riding around the city learning of its history was exhilarating. I am so thankful for the freedom that I have. Walking down River Street as the homeless pull out their instruments. But my favorite story was the one about the “waving girl.” A statue was put up by the Savannah River in her honor. The story is about a girl that met sailor. And fell in love. The sailor one day had to leave but promised her that he’d be back for her. Every morning she would come by the river & wave a towel at the incoming ships and every night she would hold out her lantern in hopes that he would return for her as promised. She did that for years & years, but he never returned for her. She eventually died. Most say it was from a broken heart. I guess it was kind of a sad story. It has no happy ending, but what I did learn is that some things are worth waiting for. Some things are worth fighting for. The best things in life are the ones that you have to work really hard for. Anything that comes easy is not worth keeping. The most important thing in life is that you never give up the fight.
I will wait for you.
I will fight for you.

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