Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Well. Here I am. I always find myself here in this same place. Broken. Lost. & in need of You.

Change is in the air. Everywhere I look. The seasons are changing. Things are in transition. An intrinsic shift. This is expected. But there are simply things now that I am anticipating will change very quickly, as they have already. I’m just not quite so sure I’m completely ready to say goodbye to these things. These people specifically. These shifts in time are always exciting. They mean something greater is on the horizon. Though there are greater things right around the corner. New & exciting things. It doesn’t make it any less scary. Or any less uncomfortable. The things/people that I am blessed with at this current state in my life. I will slowly but surely begin to miss. I will go on to meet new people. And experience new places. But the people that are so close to my heart now will never not be close to my heart. they have made me who I am today. And for that. Eternal gratitude.

Yesterday, I received in the smallest amount some encouragement from a friend that I hadn’t seen or hardly talked to in over a year. the simplest acts mean the most. Perhaps this is why I have learned to wear my heart on my sleeve. I have learned that the simplest words mean the most to me, therefore, speaking what I am thinking into the lives of other people has been an integral, revolutionary part of my life.

Sometimes there is that initial regret. To where I say something, & then wonder if I was being too forward. But I am slowly learning to get over that. All that I know is that I was called to Love.

….and Love is Bold.

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