Tuesday, October 7, 2008

panera bread

that's where i am right now. gosh i wish i wasn't here to study & that i was simply here to blog. my life. my hopes. my dreams. my Love.

i love this feel. i guess that's why starbucks made such a smashing debut on American society. the feel of upscale business. of adulthood. of tranquil laughter & the overwhelming sense of accomplishing the "perfect" cup of coffee made just how you decisively order. a place with options all over the place.

....and the rest of the world fades away.

love it.

i'm sitting here alone. me & my laptop.
with my headphones listening to this brilliant song.
by the new & upcoming band named Campbell (how ironic).
their song London just hits the spot. i love it.
and i'm listening to the new anberlin.
anything stephen christian touches.
turns to gold.
still haven't read his book.

i am getting the feeling that i will bust out singing by accident any second now only to have the entire place turn around & look at me.

but hey...you gotta live a little.

anyways. i want to blog about important things. the last thing on earth i want to do is bust my rear for this genetics test tomorrow. which by the way feels as though it is completely pointless to study for.

i so deeply with i had a paper to write instead. i have found through my college career how much i actually enjoy writing papers & how much i deeply un-enjoy studying.

but here i am. to finish what i started. to do the best that i possibly can.


i feel the need to write a book sometime in the near future.
i know that i have what it takes.
some day.
i will.

also i am currently reading up on the "revolutionist" ron paul.
to find out what i devise from his campaign.

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