Thursday, October 23, 2008


i feel that no one has this anymore.

In this world so cold

But your love keeps me warm

My Father holds me in his nail scarred hands

In which I put there

But for some reason

He still loves me with all of His heart


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

my heart

is still skipping beats.

ah. today was wonderful.

i want to write about it.

test tomorrow. no time.

it was so good.

it was beyond good.



and the pursuit of happiness.

i have run right into the face of it.


Friday, October 17, 2008

i miss you so

& the hardest part about it is not being able to tell you.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

panera bread

that's where i am right now. gosh i wish i wasn't here to study & that i was simply here to blog. my life. my hopes. my dreams. my Love.

i love this feel. i guess that's why starbucks made such a smashing debut on American society. the feel of upscale business. of adulthood. of tranquil laughter & the overwhelming sense of accomplishing the "perfect" cup of coffee made just how you decisively order. a place with options all over the place.

....and the rest of the world fades away.

love it.

i'm sitting here alone. me & my laptop.
with my headphones listening to this brilliant song.
by the new & upcoming band named Campbell (how ironic).
their song London just hits the spot. i love it.
and i'm listening to the new anberlin.
anything stephen christian touches.
turns to gold.
still haven't read his book.

i am getting the feeling that i will bust out singing by accident any second now only to have the entire place turn around & look at me.

but gotta live a little.

anyways. i want to blog about important things. the last thing on earth i want to do is bust my rear for this genetics test tomorrow. which by the way feels as though it is completely pointless to study for.

i so deeply with i had a paper to write instead. i have found through my college career how much i actually enjoy writing papers & how much i deeply un-enjoy studying.

but here i am. to finish what i started. to do the best that i possibly can.


i feel the need to write a book sometime in the near future.
i know that i have what it takes.
some day.
i will.

also i am currently reading up on the "revolutionist" ron paul.
to find out what i devise from his campaign.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


i'm going in 11 days. i've never been so excited in all of my life.
i hope i come back to florida after that. :)

"there's no place like home." -dorothy

Friday, October 3, 2008

you got it

i make breaking hearts look so easy.

love this new anberlin.

hey, at least i warn you i'm a heartbreaker.
before things get too serious.
can i at least get a little credit for that?
it's not like i do it on purpose.
cough* stutter* blur*

i frequently go for late night drives through this city.
there something about the florida night air.
the setting sun.
the city lights.
and the shimmering lake.
that intrigues me.

almost as much as looking in your eyes...


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