Monday, February 13, 2012

happy almost valentines day

{Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for LOVE is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench LOVE; rivers cannot sweep it away. songofsolomon8:6-7} ♥

there's this guy who must be 80. he comes into my moms work. he recently finished writing a book...about his wife who passed away not to long ago. in his book contain portions of her diary. most of which were love letters from other guys throughout her life prior to their marriage. needless to say, with that many suitors she must have been one heck of a woman. all that to say...i guess love really does exist. i mean real love. the kind of love...that makes someone write a story about it. the kind that makes someone write a good old fashioned love letter declaring undying love. the kind of love that doesn't take the easy way out.

that's the kind of love i look for. the kind of love i strive to be. i hope you do too.

i intend to read his book. which is currently unpublished & is simply loose copies of copy paper. with photos & on the front cover...a picture. of his love.

when i am finished, i imagine the wisdom of this man will shatter any recollection of what i thought love was.

so go.


& hold nothing back.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


we need to talk.

it's 2012 & i haven't made a second for you.

(maybe tomorrow...)

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