Wednesday, April 6, 2011

like a lion

this song is incredible. i love it...daniel bashta is the original writer but kristian stanfill is doing a cover here (above). it has been so amazing to sit under these worship leaders on sunday nights at passion city church. i have so loved it & am completely stoked for the renovation of their new building here in atlanta.

below is daniel...i'm only posting that one to remind me to learn to play it :)

i have been fortunate to be able to catch this incredible man of God a few times playing at riverstone when i'm not at passion city. he's riverstones main worship leader & an incredible worship leader at that! the anointing on his life is...breathtaking truly. i showed up sunday morning a few months ago & sat in the back with one of my best friends. the Lord began speaking to my heart & by the end of it i was in virtual tears...leaned over to my friend & started reverberating these utterances to her. incredible. i'm so thankful for these little moments where the Lord takes me by the hand & speaks to me. despite my stubborn & prodigal heart, He still chases after me...wraps me in His Love.


big things are coming.
revolutionary things.

ps. if your in the atl area over easter, make your way out to passion citys good friday service @ verizon wireless amp.

i went last awesome.

the apparent selfishness of this generation seems overwhelming at times, but it has truly been a life changing event to worship with thousands of selfless young people who pour out their devotion to the living God..all together on good friday.

it's contagious too.

oh & i can't believe i forgot to mention i saw hillsong united last month.

that's all i really need to say. you can fill in the blanks. all i know is that i need to carry a pen & paper on me at all times.

words can't describe.

love always.

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