Tuesday, February 22, 2011

look, we need to talk

sheesh. things are happening so quickly. february is nearly over...summer is approaching. i'm just going to go ahead & skip right over spring. the weather is starting to get much warmer which makes me undeniably happy. there are a few other things in my life right now which make me undeniably happy too :D

life is so crazy you know? i guess the thing that makes all the difference is how you deal with the craziness & uncertainty. i for one am learning to take it one day at a time. it's a constant battle...but all of life is. it's this never ending cycle of ups & downs.

for me especially in this phase of my life. & in just about every area of life. i've been rediscovering the importance of things in my life & am slowly letting myself go into this free fall.

it feels good. a little scary to be back up there jumping off the edge again, but it's been a rush. the winds been blowing me where ever it wills. & this time i'm going to let it. no matter the risk.

love always.

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